Stéphane Symons

On Francis Alÿs’ Children’s Games

Gerard-Jan Claes, Stéphane Symons, 2023

The concept is as straightforward as the title suggests: the collection presents the great diversity of children’s games worldwide. For Alÿs, the Children’s Games represent a seeming caesura with his previous work. Alÿs himself is no longer on view. The performative character so central to his earlier videos has here given way to a pervasive focus on the world in front of the camera. Yet the “disappearance” of Alÿs is not a radical break and results in an intensified exploration of some of the guiding principles of his oeuvre.

On the Children’s Games

Gerard-Jan Claes, Stéphane Symons, 2023

I think that the children accept us because they can see that we take their game very seriously. They appreciate that. Sometimes they can see that we are not fully understanding – we, limited adults – and they will help us grasp the full logic of their actions. They want to give us the best of their skills, what Michael (Taussig) indeed calls the “mastery of non-mastery.” In all the games we filmed, the children were so much more generous than we expected. Sometimes they even protect us. They for instance make a discreet sign when they see a potential problem or danger rise on the horizon, behind the scene where the game takes place. They can see that we are so absorbed into their play that we are completely unaware of what is happening around us.

Stéphane Symons, 2022

In het Westen wordt het werk van Ozu meestal in verband gebracht met de cultuur waartoe hij behoorde en waarmee hij zonder twijfel een grote affiniteit had: het zenboeddhisme. Volgens de drie meest toonaangevende commentatoren, Donald Richie, Noël Burch en Paul Schrader, draaien de films van Ozu rond een verzoening met het onherroepelijke. (...) Toch is er ook een totaal andere interpretatie van Ozu’s werk mogelijk. (...) In de interpretatie van Deleuze en Hasumi is Ozu niet langer slechts een regisseur van de leegte of de reductie, en wil hij ons niet zonder meer aanmanen tot de aanvaarding van onze eindigheid. Volgens hen is het er Ozu allerminst om te doen verschillen uit te wissen maar wil hij ze net zichtbaar maken.