Patrick Leboutte

Patrick Leboutte (1960) is a Belgian film critic, essayist and teacher in INSAS. From 1986 up until 1996 he has been the literary director of the Belgian publishing house Yellow Now. Ces films qui nous regardent, Une approche du cinéma documentaire (2002), is perhaps his most influential contribution to documentary cinema.

Patrick Leboutte, Dominique Païni, 1990

“There’s something crazy about editing. The little I learned about film technique and the manipulation of forms comes from editing really. Because I had to edit everything myself; I couldn’t afford an editor – and I didn’t want one anyway. I was too – what word do they use nowadays? – “invested”. Funny word.”

Patrick Leboutte, Dominique Païni, 1990

Le montage a quelque chose de fou. Ce que j’ai un peu appris de la technique de cinéma et de la manipulation des formes me vient réellement du montage. Parce que j’ai dû tout monter moi-même ; et n’avais pas de quoi m’offrir un monteur – du reste, je n’en avais pas envie. J’étais trop - comment dit-on maintenant ? – investi. Drôle de mot.