Edwin Carels

Edwin Carels is a lecturer and researcher at the School of Arts KASK/HoGent. Since earning his PhD with a dissertation titled Animation Beyond Animation, he has been working on the postdoctoral research project Counter-archives. Carels worked as a senior programmer and curator for the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) until recently, where he coordinated the Deep Focus section and created thematic programmes on visual art, music documentaries, and film history. As an author, Carels publishes essays related to media archaeology, visual arts, film, and animation. Additionally, he is affiliated with the M HKA, where he has curated exhibitions such as El Hotel Eléctrico (2014), Graphology (2011), Animism (2010), and The Projection Project (2006). For his projects, Carels has collaborated with Luc Tuymans, Chris Marker, The Quay Brothers, Robert Breer, Jan Švankmajer, Zoe Beloff, Ken Jacobs, Peter Kubelka, Philippe Parreno, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, and Jean-Luc Godard, among others.

Edwin Carels, 2008

“Alongside his activities as a writer, critic, photographer, scriptwriter, filmmaker, photo editor, media artist and cartoonist/blogger, Chris Marker has recently also begun frequenting Second Life, where his avatar bears the name Sergei Murasaki. Under this guise, Marker consented to a rare online interview, where he advances the notion that he never even considered himself to be a filmmaker. Ja-mais. Furthermore, he thinks the label of ‘multi-media artist’ sounds altogether too contemporary. Rather, Marker prefers to be characterized as an artisanal bricoleur, albeit one who always puts his own unique signature on everything he tinkers with.”

Edwin Carels, 2008

"Naast zijn activiteiten als schrijver, criticus, fotograaf, scenarist, filmmaker, fotoredacteur, mediakunstenaar en cartoonist/blogger frequenteert Chris Marker sinds kort ook Second Life, waar zijn avatar Sergei Murasaki heet. In die gedaante stond Marker een zeldzaam online interview toe, waarin hij stellig poneert dat hij zichzelf nooit als een cineast heeft beschouwd. Ja-mais. Multimediakunstenaar vindt hij dan weer te eigentijds klinken. Hij houdt het liever op een typering als ambachtelijk bricoleur. Maar dan wel een knutselaar die aan alles een eigen signatuur verleent.”