Abbas Kiarostami

On Francis Alÿs’ Children’s Games

Gerard-Jan Claes, Stéphane Symons, 2023

The concept is as straightforward as the title suggests: the collection presents the great diversity of children’s games worldwide. For Alÿs, the Children’s Games represent a seeming caesura with his previous work. Alÿs himself is no longer on view. The performative character so central to his earlier videos has here given way to a pervasive focus on the world in front of the camera. Yet the “disappearance” of Alÿs is not a radical break and results in an intensified exploration of some of the guiding principles of his oeuvre.

Abbas Kiarostami, 1995

Ik geloof in een vorm van cinema die meer mogelijkheden en tijd biedt aan zijn toeschouwers. Een halfgecreëerde cinema, een onvoltooide cinema die door de creatieve geest van het publiek voltooid raakt en zo leidt tot honderden films. Het behoort toe aan de toeschouwers en stemt overeen met hun eigen wereld.

Abbas Kiarostami, 1995

I believe in a type of cinema that gives greater possibilities and time to its audience. A half-created cinema, an unfinished cinema that attains completion through the creative spirit of the audience, so resulting in hundreds of films. It belongs to the members of that audience and corresponds to their own world.