Examen d’entrée INSAS – Chantal Akerman – 1967 – Knokke, Bruxelles

Examen d’entrée INSAS – Chantal Akerman – 1967 – Knokke, Bruxelles

These four short 8mm films were made by Chantal Akerman in the summer of 1967, in black and white and without sound, as part of her entrance exams to the Institut Supérieur des Arts du Spectacle (INSAS) in Brussels, where she was admitted and where she stayed only a few months before abandoning her studies.

Chantal Akerman filmed in Brussels the Foire de Midi, which takes place every summer, as well as the courtyard of the Hôtel de Clèves-Ravenstein, where by chance, 50 years later, the Chantal Akerman Foundation was created. On the Belgian coast in Knokke, Marilyn Watelet, her childhood friend with whom she founded the production company Paradise Films in the 1970s, and her own mother Natalia Akerman, are the protagonists of a short fiction in two parts that takes place in the shops of the seaside resort.

UPDATED ON 05.03.2024