Do You Remember Revolution

Loredana Bianconi Introduces Her Film

Loredana Bianconi, 1996

In Italy, in the mid-seventies, Adriana, Barbara, Nadia and Susanna were 20 years old when they decided to join the Red Brigades, often seen as the largest communist terrorist organization in post-war Italy. After having returned after many years in prison, filmmaker Loredana Bianconi films these four women as they try, each one of them, to recount their own experiences. In Do You Remember Revolution (1997) they speak about the political reasons which initially sustained them, the conflicts, the doubts, and the moments of being torn apart which market out their lives as women caught up in the vortex of war. Bianconi: “A journey that leads to the condemnation of armed struggle and the pain caused by the destruction of lives – the lives of victims and their own.”

Loredana Bianconi introduit son film

Loredana Bianconi, 1996

En Italie, au milieu des années 70, Adriana, Barbara, Nadia et Susanna ont 20 ans quand elles décident d’entrer dans la lutte armée, de quitter leur vie sociale et leur famille pour faire de la révolution le centre et le but de leur existence. Elles rejoignent les Brigades rouges, considérées comme la plus grande organisation terroriste communiste d’après-guerre en Italie, et y deviennent des personnages clés. Après de longues années de prison, la réalisatrice Loredana Bianconi filment les quatre femmes alors qu’ils essayent de raconter chacune leur propre expérience. Dans Do You Remember Revolution (1997), elles parlent des raisons politiques qui les ont d’abord soutenues, des conflits, des doutes, des déchirures qui ont marqué leur vie de femme prise dans le tourbillon de la guerre. Bianconi : Un parcours qui débouche sur la condamnation de la lutte armée et sur la douleur due à la destruction de vies : celle des victimes et la leur.

Bojan Vasić, 2015

This is not one of the films I am used to. This one has no subject but rather an experience talked about by four collocutors. What we have in front of us are, simply, the answers: four women activists and one more – the one with the camera, asking questions. The difference between this and the other films I’ve seen becomes visible especially when we compare this art piece to other motion picture films which deal with the same topic.